Monday, February 05, 2007

Three Truly Liberating Procrastination Tips

Are you immobilized by procrastination and indecision? We all know that it is impossible to steer a car that's not moving and the same is true with your life. You simply cannot direct and steer your life if you are immobilized by procrastination and indecision. It is what prevents you from doing the very things you need to do to make progress.

This debilitating behavior, or shall I say lack of behavior, is responsible for destroying so many dreams and aspirations. Action is the proper fruit of knowledge and doing what you 'know' is often much harder than knowing 'what' to do. This is actually a very accurate description of procrastination. It is the frustrating pattern of wanting to (consciously), knowing how to, but not doing it. It is the lack of action that keeps you from moving forward and making progress. Frustration sets in when you know you can do something, but still you don't, and this frustration can easily turn into anger, a loss of self confidence and even depression.

If you are the kind of person who's actively improving and developing yourself, then there's usually a gap between where you are and where you want to be. The only way to close this gap is to take action; to act on your desire for change and self improvement. For this very reason you simply cannot afford to be stuck in procrastination. You must take action and liberate yourself from the disempowering effects of procrastination. Read More...

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