Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The Three Strangest Reasons For Procrastination

Have you ever wondered why you procrastinate? Procrastination is indeed a very strange behaviour and is a trap that all of us tend to fall into from time to time. On a conscious level you might want to do something or achieve something and although you know what you have to do, you still can't seem to get yourself to actually do it. It's almost like there is some 'invisible force' that prevents you from taking action and you can't quite explain what it is - from a rational perspective at least.

Although it might appear that there is no logical explanation for this seemingly irrational behaviour, there are still reasons for procrastination. These reasons, however are not always that obvious. Human behaviour is not haphazard or coincidental - everything we do we do for a reason. In fact, everything we do, we do for a positive intent. Everything that you do is driven by your desire to improve your circumstances at some level of your consciousness. It is impossible for someone to do something that she believes will leave her worse off. For some people this might mean killing themselves, while for others it might mean climbing a mountain, while for others it might mean giving up a bad habit. It all varies according to our beliefs.

This is a very important concept to understand if you are to understand the reasons for procrastination. Read More Here...

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1 comment:

Jen Hen said...

last post 2007... procrastination in action! nice